martes, 25 de marzo de 2014

DIY Dog's Bed

Hello friends!

The other day my mom made me this beautifull bed. Looking on the internet for some ideas, she found this one. It was very easy to do. It only took a couple of hours and I helped her.

Here you have the sizes:

Place the two parts on each other and sew them along the edges. Remember that you must sew the fabric inside out. Leave a small part without sewing because you need to put the filling


Take the leftover fabric, cut 8 strips. These are the strings that will serve to connect each end of the little bed. Sew each strip as seen in the picture, it's basically a strip at each end of the sides of the bed.


 Remember to leave some space to fill the bed with pillows

Finally tie the strips


 This is how mine looks

What do you think? Very easy, right?

martes, 11 de marzo de 2014

My Adventures

Hello everyone!

This post is about my first adventures or (as my mom says) mischiefs. I like to discover new things and I am not afraid of anything. I only want to have fun. All the things in the pictures that you can see below, I did them by myself.

I have to be the center of attention

With my aunt Sasha watching the house

Can you see me?

Trying the table. I think is strong enough!

The first thing I do all the mornings is bother my auntie Sasha

My dad's arm is very comfy

Sleeping like a baby


My mom's scarf is so warm...

This is me, always playing around.

We used to fight but we love each other

I am too lazy to pick up Mr Cat

I hope you like this post. See you on the next chapter, humans!!!

sábado, 1 de marzo de 2014

The First Time

Hello friends

The first time I went outside I was three months old. I also was able to meet my auntie Sasha, who loves me so much. I had all vaccines and I was ready to meet the world! Unfortunately, it wasn't as cool as I thought. There were so much noises and the cars were like monsters to me. I was really afraid back then, but now I'm the bravest of them all.

Here you have some photos of my first experience

My aunt Sasha

I am a lion!!


Running with my mom

As you can see I'm very photogenic. Hope you like it!
See you on the next chapter, humans!!