martes, 25 de marzo de 2014

DIY Dog's Bed

Hello friends!

The other day my mom made me this beautifull bed. Looking on the internet for some ideas, she found this one. It was very easy to do. It only took a couple of hours and I helped her.

Here you have the sizes:

Place the two parts on each other and sew them along the edges. Remember that you must sew the fabric inside out. Leave a small part without sewing because you need to put the filling


Take the leftover fabric, cut 8 strips. These are the strings that will serve to connect each end of the little bed. Sew each strip as seen in the picture, it's basically a strip at each end of the sides of the bed.


 Remember to leave some space to fill the bed with pillows

Finally tie the strips


 This is how mine looks

What do you think? Very easy, right?

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